Day 0 - Introduction to Bio-AgeRx
I'm Excited For You
How to get started?
Take the Quiz
Day 1 - Understanding Aging
Watch: Can we avoid diseases and concerns that come with age?
Watch/Read: What exactly is aging us?
Day 2 - Eating for Anti-aging
Cleaning up the kitchen!
Eat: The 3 food groups you need to add to your diet to age like fine wine!
Intermittent Fasting & Triggering Autophagy
Dr. Samatha's Longevity Diet Protocol: Resources to Plan your Meals
Try: Making Salads Tasty
Day 3 - Getting Back Your 20's Energy
A Mini Energy Protocol
BioHack: Hot and Cold Therapy
Quiz: Magnesium
Try: Collagen Boosting Foods and Recipes
Day 4 - Managing Sleep and Stress
Watch: Most Underrated Pillar That Helps Slow Down Your Age
Biohack - Dr. Samatha's Ultimate Sleep Protocol
Do: Meditation and calming breath work
Recipes: Melatonin Boosting Recipes For Sleep
Watch: How is stress triggering your internal age?
BioHack for Stress: Box Breathing
Practical Tips For Stress Management
Try: Stress Management Foods
Day 5 - Exercise for Longevity
Exercise for Longevity
Do: Exercises: Nitric Oxide Dump
Do: Quick yoga recommendations for your daily routine
Bonus Watch: Understanding Supplements
Bonus BioHack - Supplements for Longevity
What People Who Live to a 100 have in Common?
Day 6 - Inflammation and anti-aging
Watch: Inflammation and Keeping It In-check
Quiz and Anti-Inflammation diet
Try: Recipes & Anti-Inflammatory foods
Try: Face Yoga - The Natural way to stay Youthful!
Day 7 - Metabolic and Hormonal Health
Watch: Why is metabolic health the cornerstone of good health?
Read: Biohack of the Day: Using CGM to Supercharge Your Age and Health
Watch: What you should know about hormonal health
Hacking Hormones
Try: Fibre rich foods and practical ways to include more fiber in your diet
Not A Good Bye Yet
Message from Dr. Samatha
Age RX Meal Planning Tool